
CCTV Surveillance Live Streaming

Importance & Benefits of CCTV Surveillance Services

Monitoring and Surveillance using Live Video

CCTV cameras have become an essential component in every organisation, large or small. Though a required for all businesses, it is especially crucial for small businesses when the investment is minimal and the dangers are significant. Limited enterprises are constantly at danger because of their disorganised processes and small systems, which keep them out of the corporatized systems of large organisations or businesses.

Small businesses typically recruit untrained workers or are placed in unfriendly business environments, resulting in an avalanche of theft, burglary, and other crimes. As a result, it is critical to deploy an integrated security system throughout commercial property or small-scale company property. This is where small business security cameras come in handy while running a business.

Installing cameras in critical locations of the workplace or retail business is the most effective approach to accomplish this. Although these devices are deployed as a deterrent to thieves and buggers, they also serve to boost staff productivity. The ‘Being watched’ situation, as some refer to it, keeps employees from thinking about things during office hours and instils work habits. Cameras can be placed in the center of the room or in the corners. The image they capture is dependent on the quality and angle of the camera. The mere fact that cameras are deployed that may plainly portray their face and look while maintaining watch over them might deter would-be offenders or criminals from misbehaving.

Why do you need live video monitoring services?

Business owners may view their security systems in real time from anywhere. They may accomplish this by choosing remote or mobile solutions, which enable them to keep an eye on and exert control over local activity. A excellent option for a homeowner to keep an eye on their property from a distance is through remote video monitoring.

Live video surveillance is a great method to ensure that emergency services, such as the police or fire department, respond promptly and properly. Because they never issue false alerts, using this service ensures that your problem will be treated seriously. This monitoring system may be connected with a virtual security guard if you want an added degree of security.

Recognizing real-time video surveillance

With the increased need for security, live video monitoring solutions (also known as remote video monitoring solutions) are more common than ever. You may monitor your home and company from anywhere in the world.

Many sectors now employ live video surveillance on a regular basis. They are utilised for a variety of applications that need security, such as preventing theft at your site without being physically present, from construction job sites to parking lots and company complexes! Security professionals can include surveillance cameras. Your property is double-protected in this way with the assistance of experts.

Live Video Monitoring Solutions from Inflatus Technologies

Reliable & Effective cloud-based video surveillance system you always wanted for your security & peace of mind.

Streaming IP camera

Cloud-based IP camera broadcasts may be safely stored. stream video from cameras that are RTSP-compatible to your website and social media channels.


You can broadcast your IP camera feeds to as many publishing platforms at once, including YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, with just one setup.

Records in the Cloud

Every video is kept in the cloud to avoid data loss. For additional inquiry in the event of thieves, break-ins, or any occurrence, this can be quite helpful.

HTML5 Player Integrated

Allow anyone with an internet connection to access your security camera at your place of business or residence. Embedded HTML5 Player allows for streamable video streams on any device.

Continuous Connection

Your IP cameras’ RTSP broadcasts should be ingested. You may safely share live streaming footage from your IP cameras using the casting platform.


Obtaining HLS URLs for IP camera feeds will enable you to make your feed accessible on several sites such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

Variations in remote and live video surveillance

You can always keep an eye on your home, office or any other organisation with live video monitoring solutions.

1. Live Observation

Systems for video surveillance are a great method to monitor the area where your company is located. This method’s information output is current as of the time it was issued. You can constantly be aware of what’s happening with your properties thanks to live monitoring.

2. Video Surveillance

Cameras are installed on a site by video monitoring systems so that individuals may observe the location from a distance. Even if no one is physically present at the location, data from these streams may be read by anybody thanks to wireless transmission.

3. Audio surveillance

Any security system must include audio monitoring as a crucial element. By giving a more complete view of what’s happening in and around your home, place of business, workplace, or any other distant location, audio may enhance video surveillance.

4. CCTV Surveillance

The capacity to record and distribute CCTV footage is essential for preventing crime. Criminals are far less likely to try any crimes when they are aware that they are being watched and protected by skilled security personnel.

5. Monitoring Security Cameras

Video surveillance is a crucial component of many companies’ safety measures. The seamless combination of people and technology gives owners the assurance that their properties are being watched over by security experts.

6. Continuous Monitoring

Monitor your properties in real-time to keep an eye on them. Live video monitoring is becoming a standard practise in many businesses and essential to our way of life due to its simplicity and accessibility.

7. Constant Monitoring

Nobody can predict what will occur at any given time. You may rest easy knowing that your house or workplace has a 24-hour monitoring system so that no uninvited guests can disturb your tranquillity.

How Can We Help You to Live a Better Life with Live Video Monitoring Services

The next step in guaranteeing the security of your households or company is the live monitoring system from Inflatus Technologies

The increased need for security has increased the usage of video surveillance systems, which are now more widely used than ever. The following justifications explain why video monitoring services are rising in popularity.

The Benefits of Live Surveillance Video Monitoring Services

Reduce Crime

In the event that something terrible occurs, video surveillance services help to prevent security risks, gather evidence for the authorities, and deter criminal activity. Additionally, remote video monitoring services may be combined with alarm or illumination systems. This can be a more affordable security guard solution if you own a business.

Inexpensive Substitute

Live remote video monitoring might be the answer when you need to be sure your assets and property are secure but lack the manpower or time for a costly security guard service.

Eliminate Property Damage

Property protection is important for a company. Security personnel are people, too. When everything is being watched, you may feel at ease with the aid of live video monitoring services. When a theft or crime occurs, you have all the video proof with distinct pictures to serve as a deterrent.

Defend Yourself from Thefts

Regardless of whether we own a house or a company, we all fear robbers. When it comes to securing your home and other assets, purchasing a remote video surveillance system should always be at the top of your list. You will thus tackle property damage proactively. All of the captured footage will serve as proof in the event of negative events.

Public Security

By giving real-time information on the physical position of prospective offenders in cities like yours, live video surveillance is an excellent approach to reduce crime and improve public safety. especially in remote or blind regions. Remote video surveillance systems may operate as a virtual guard and stop suspicious activities.

Following Traffic

We all want to protect our assets while spending the least amount of money as business owners. Protecting physical assets is necessary for warehouses, industrial yards, and other locations. To prevent property damage to your company, remote monitoring services are available around-the-clock.

More Rapid Response

By giving authorities access to up-to-the-minute information on where prospective criminals are physically located in cities like yours, live video surveillance is a fantastic approach to reduce crime and improve public safety. Particularly in remote places or blind zones. Services for remote video surveillance can operate as a virtual guard and deter shady behaviour.

Addressing Business Issues

We all want to protect our assets without spending too much money as business owners. Protection is required for all tangible assets, including warehouses and industrial yards. Services for remote monitoring keep an eye on your company’s property around-the-clock.

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