
Ecommerce Development

Select eCommerce Web Development to

Ecommerce Development

Ecommerce is an essential component of any modern retailer's strategy because of the advantages and opportunities it offers

It’s simple for an online business to become buried in the sea of 12 to 24 million active e-commerce sites worldwide. A top-notch website that provides clients with the experience they want is the secret to standing out. The process of creating the technical components of your e-commerce website, including how it works, receives payments, responds to user activity and looks visually pleasing. The web development services market, which is expected to be worth $11 billion in 2022, enables business owners to establish user-friendly websites and address their most urgent ecommerce concerns, such as:

  1. Choosing the appropriate functionality and features for your e-commerce project.
  2. Recognising the ecommerce framework that can be most effective for you.
  3. Adding e-commerce functionality to an existing website or website template.

When creating an e-commerce website, the following are some of the most important factors to take into account:

  • Secure websites and PCI compliance.
  • SEO (search engine optimization) (search engine optimization).
  • Portals and a variety of payment alternatives.
  • Content management system integration
  • Mobile-responsiveness.
  • The look of a shopping cart.
  • Filtering of products

Hiring Inflatus Technologies, a company with ten years of expertise in ecommerce design and development, is the best method to guarantee that your ecommerce web development team delivers a better user experience on your site. Your platform will have a solid partner programme with Inflatus Technologies. Finding ecommerce website development services that are knowledgeable about the most recent ecommerce best practises will enable you to create a website that will impress your visitors and increase your conversion rate.


Working from broad to specialised is a simple technique to figure out what shopping cart functionality you require. Describe all the essential requirements, such as the desired payment gateways and marketplace integrations. Add extras that your company need, such as shipping rates and sales tax calculations that are done automatically. Sort all the nice-to-haves into descending order of importance, with 1 being the most important feature for generating income and 5 being a practical addition that could improve the efficiency of your daily operations.

Others thrive in backend modification and technical execution, while some developers are fantastic at bringing your brand to life through a gorgeously designed frontend. Make sure you are aware of their abilities while assessing developers for your online shop. Although our developers are skilled in both backend programming and frontend design, they tend to specialise in one of these areas. confirming that the programme you select has the abilities necessary to meet your demands.

Important Ecommerce Development Functionalities

Inflatus offers everything you require in terms of features, subtleties and technology to create a user-friendly, useful and highly effective online store

Depending on your company model and specific requirements, you may desire different features and capabilities on your e-commerce site. Make a list of the characteristics your e-commerce website must have based on your established goals. These ought to be very tightly related to your client lifetime. For instance, a startup or small firm may not require the ability to handle several currencies, while a cross-border shop may require this capability in order to function.

1. Design that is Flexible

You’ll need a website that supports responsive, mobile-friendly web design as more clients utilise their mobile devices to purchase online. Alternatively, you might hire Inflatus Technologies’ web developers to build a mobile application.

It’s important to create a consistent buying experience whether a customer accesses your site from a desktop or a mobile device, in either case.

Fortunately, Inflatus Technologies provides both mobile apps and themes that are completely responsive. use our numerous platforms to create professional designs, For a variety of product catalogues and sectors, our themes are optimised.

2. Search Engine Optimisation

A key component of your website design and a wonderful way to distribute your information is SEO.

Your website may receive more traffic from interested visitors who are looking online if you rank well for relevant keywords on Google. SEO may naturally provide you high-intent customers who are more likely to convert, which can reduce the cost of SEO traffic.

3. Website Speed

A Google study found that for every couple of seconds that a page takes to load, the certainty that a user will leave increases significantly.

Since Google analyses site speed as a ranking criteria, SEO benefits from sites that load quickly. This is why you need to work with ecommerce website developers from Inflatus Technologies who can optimise your online store so that it’s not only useful and appealing, but also quick to load.

4. CMS (Content Management System)

An ecommerce site needs a CMS (content management system) to contain all dynamic information, including blog entries, images, and other design-related blocks of text.

A content management system (CMS) will allow you to edit existing material or add new content, and your e-commerce website will be updated as soon as changes are made. By doing this, you may regularly update your website with fresh material that promotes your goods.

5. Product Administration

Think about your preferred ecommerce store.

Since they provide various product variations and frequently run deals and discounts, there’s a good chance they always have the items you desire in stock.

In order to continually provide clients with the items they desire, we ensure that your ecommerce site has the capability required to add, update, and keep track of inventory.

6. Purchases and Checkout

It’s no longer acceptable for ecommerce companies to provide only one payment option in the era of Apple Pay, PayPal, and mobile wallets.

The ability of your ecommerce platform to interact with various payment gateways is essential since research demonstrates that flexible and smooth payment alternatives help nine out of ten customers make decisions faster and even encourage them to spend more.

Fortunately, Inflatus Technologies allows you to create a unique checkout for your online store and even provide one-click checkout with applications.

7. Security

You must take caution when handling sensitive data while creating an online business since it involves dealing with private information such client phone numbers, credit card numbers, and other payment details.

If PCI Compliance requirements are not satisfied, you run the danger of being penalised, losing your ability to take payments, losing client confidence, and suffering other fraud-related financial repercussions.

Some systems come with an SSL certificate, but adequate security may need extra in-house infrastructure or third-party applications.

Fortunately, Level 1 PCI compliance is provided by Inflatus Technologies to make your website safe and secure. In this way, you won’t have to worry about security and can instead focus on growing your company.

8. Compatibility

No e-commerce platform will offer every functionality you require out of the box. By providing plugins and integrations with the solutions you want, we will ensure that our platform enables you to personalise your website.

We ensure that the interface you want is accessible with the platform you pick because linking an ecommerce solution to ERP, OMS, PIM, or CRM systems is a top priority for many firms.

Use a customer data platform if you want to provide a tailored experience. To learn what is feasible with ecommerce software, look at what you can do with your data.

You might need to think about things like digital marketing, on-site chat, and whether you need to link with online stores like Amazon or social networking platforms.

9. Marketing Approach

Early on in the process of creating your online business, start planning your ecommerce marketing strategy. This will assist you in defining the layout of your website and identifying any features you might want.

For instance, you might want to add social sharing buttons to your website if a key component of your marketing plan is to advertise on social media platforms. Alternatively, if your plan heavily relies on mobile commerce, you could wish to incorporate push notifications or create a mobile app.

Creating a Custom Ecommerce Website in 6 Easy Steps

You don’t have to start from scratch with your e-commerce website; in fact, it’s not even advised. Numerous systems exist that may assist you in setting up an online business without much coding or technological knowledge on your behalf. Prior to beginning the development process, you must do more than just choose your platform. Before starting, take into account the following.

1. Recognize your company's objectives

Selling online is a major decision. Furthermore, you cannot take any further action unless you understand all of the technical details.

Start with the why to do that.

  • What motivated you to sell online? To draw in additional business is simple. But how precisely do you intend to accomplish that?
  • Will you engage in direct sales to consumers through your online store?
  • Do you want to increase internet traffic to support your offline business?
  • Do you wish to convert a B2C company into a B2B one, or the opposite?
  • Consider ecommerce analytics in addition to your primary objectives.
  • How will you quantify the growth you hope to see after launch?
  • For instance, What is your target for weekly online sales volume?
  • Do you intend to market both locally and internationally?
  • What are your plans for increasing client lifetime value?
  • How many things do you intend to sell?

3. Go over available platforms

Fortunately, you don’t have to start from scratch when creating an internet business nowadays. You can choose the ideal ecommerce solution for your requirements from the many options available.

The various ecommerce platforms have benefits and drawbacks, so you should be aware of precisely what characteristics your online business needs to function as effectively as possible.

BigCommerce, Magento, WooCommerce, and Shopify or Shopify Plus are some of the most well-liked e-commerce website builders. A few e-commerce systems, like BigCommerce, offer connectors so you may integrate your content and commerce. Alternatively, some retailers with content-heavy websites might want to use WordPress.

5. Configure the payment and shipping options

Inflatus Technologies can help with the checkout and shopping cart procedures, as well as with how to integrate payment gateways into your website and set up delivery. Usually, you may pick from a wide variety of payment gateways.

Although not all of them must be integrated, customers are becoming more interested in using multiple payment options, such as purchase now, pay later. Additionally, you should pick payment gateways that support your target locations if you’re selling internationally.

2. Recognize the envisioned shopping experience

What sort of purchasing experience do you want to offer your clients when they purchase online? Among the experience elements you might wish to take into account include, but are not limited to:

  • allowing users to quickly and easily filter search results by size, colour, or price.
  • the capability of side-by-side product comparisons.
  • providing a one-page checkout experience that is optimised.
  • promotions, special deals, and other offerings.

Consider whether your target market prefers quick and easy purchases, as they would with needs like some consumer packaged items, or if they like to explore your website and learn about new products. Depending on your response, you’ll probably want to design your website for a particular consumer path.

4. Add merchandise

You should be able to add and change product listings with ease, and your inventory should be able to sync with all of your sales channels. The back office processes may be made simpler as a result, and you can stop overselling your goods as a result.

You should concentrate on the following when you do add products:

Product photos of the highest calibre Give your clients the assurance that, if they place an order with you, they’ll receive exactly what they desire.

Product specifications, size details, and other important details should be included in your descriptions of each product, especially for those that have undergone extensive study.

6. Website testing and launch

To make sure you’re all set in terms of ecommerce website design, performance, and navigation, test-drive your website as soon as you transfer it from the development stage to production.

  • Check the names of all the form fields and calls-to-action on the landing page and homepage.
  • Make sure the checkout process works.
  • Verify integrations with payment processing again.
  • To ensure a quick load time, all photographs should be high-definition.
  • Inspect the products for missing product categories and descriptions.
  • Verify the functionality of each link and form.
  • Check to make sure the tax settings are right.
  • Inspect the inventory to make sure everything is all listed correctly.
  • Check your discount or promotional codes.
  • Make sure your digital shop shows properly on both desktop and mobile devices, and that the user experience is consistent across.

14 Reasons Why You Should Have an eCommerce Website

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