

Lets make a Website for your Business

Everything You will ever need for an Augmented Online Presence.

Budget Website Design - Low Pricing

Budget Business Website Design in India, Affordable Website Design in India

Work does not entail taking money out of a client’s pocket. The client must benefit from the job. We treat our customers with honesty.

We’ve been in the sector for over ten years, services offering globally distinctive and low-cost web solutions. You may handle jobs both directly and online.

You may acquire high-quality websites within your budget by keeping the cost of web creation down. Our aim is to create websites for a reasonable or inexpensive price. We pledge to offer a broad range of web development services.

To flourish in this dynamic industry, web design is characterized as a smart combination of creative design and graphic art with suitable branding. Inflatus Technogies  is a low-cost web design and development firm in India with a creative attitude that is embedded in several aspects of web-based solutions. Your website is the most effective tool for creating your online identity and building your brand for all time. As a result, we thoroughly grasp your requirements and develop websites to meet them, allowing your ambitions to come true. You think, and we make it happen. Our highly skilled designers work around the clock, and we aim for operational excellence by meeting the demands of our clients. At the same time, we have extensive experience developing websites for all platforms.

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Budget Website Design & Development Packages

Are you looking for Website Design in Bhubaneswar to make your Business Online Quickly ? We have 2 different types of website packages to design and develop websites for your business. Our customized starter website design prices or plans are having all the standard features and functionalities to make your website looks good, interacting and beautifully. Want a professional website design for your business ? Take a look at our website creation packages designed separately for Quick Launch of your business Online. 




Website Features


Website Features

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Startup Business Website Design in Bhubaneswar, Web Design in Bhubaneswar,

Website Design & Development FAQs.

Web design is the broad term given to the creation and maintenance of websites. There are different areas of web design, such as user interface, user experience, web graphic, and search engine optimization design, which all focus on providing a positive or enjoyable experience for the visitor.

Web design focuses primarily on how a website looks and feels to the visitor, using best practice in user-friendliness and graphic design. Web development is carried out behind the scenes in the site’s backend, and typically involves developing  software, building the site’s structure using code, and fixing bugs. To create a business website, most web designers would also be able to handle the web development aspects for you.

Web design is important because it can affect your business performance. A poorly-designed website that’s hard to use will reflect badly on your brand, and could negatively impact your sales. Alternatively, a professionally-designed, user-friendly website should help to keep visitors on your site and increase sales. Considering over 2.14 billion people worldwide are expected to buy online in 2021, this is an opportunity you can’t afford to miss out on.

To find the best web design company for your business, you first need to think about what type of website you need, and what you want your new site to achieve. You also need to consider your budget. You should then search online for companies in your local area, and read customer testimonials or reviews to ensure your chosen agency has a proven track record.

Hiring a freelance web designer will usually cost between $75 and $200 per hour, depending on their experience. That means the overall cost of your website could range anywhere between $5,000 and $20,000+. This cost is broken down into separate fees including web domain and hosting (approx. $140 per year), design and programming ($5,000+), content (approx. $500+), and maintenance ($500+). Alternatively, website builders offer set monthly price plans, ranging from $6 to $299+ per month. The cost to build a website depends on the software you use. Website builders offer monthly subscriptions ranging from $6 to $299+ per month, depending on the type and size of website you’d like to build, which you’ll need to pay for as long as you have the website you’ve built. For instance, a large ecommerce store will cost more to build than a simple blog website.

Responsive web design is very important because it improves the user’s experience by reformatting content to fit on a mobile screen. It’s also a search engine ranking factor, meaning search engines will rank mobile-responsive websites higher than non-responsive sites to give search engine users a better experience. With smartphone usage rising year-on-year, responsive design is something your business can’t afford to skip.

The overall cost of your small website (a site with just a few pages and basic design features) will depend on the type of functionality you want, and the general size of the project. Therefore, you can expect to pay anywhere between $1,500 and $6,000+ for a small website.

On average, we shoot for a six to eight week turnaround, but the pace of any project is set by each client. How much input you can provide during the initial stages, your availability with feedback, how soon the content is ready – all this affects the speed of completion. The functionality needs may also play a role – more complex sites will take more time to develop.

Yes. WordPress is a great content management system that now powers more than 30% of the web. Its huge market share is due to it’s flexibility and ease of use. Don’t worry, we’ll teach you how to manage it and help you along the way.

Nope! We work with clients all over the world. Our whole team works remotely, allowing us to find the absolute best team for our business.

Yes! We love it when our clients take control of their website and learn to manage it on their own. We’ll provide you with a set of comprehensive video tutorials to help you learn your way around, as well provide you with a training session to help get you on your way. (Note: We love to answer your questions!)

We can! We provide on-going support for many of our clients. Check out our WordPress Support Packages.

Absolutely! Having a mobile-friendly website is more important than ever! We work hard to ensure your website looks great on a variety of devices.

For most projects, equal payments are made at the start, midway, and the end of the project, but we can work with you to set up a schedule that meets your needs. We understand that this is a big investment and want to help you budget for the expense in whatever way possible.

A lot! Your input and feedback is crucial to this process. We’ll start with a lot of questions about your needs, your likes, your wants and work with you to develop just the right look and functionality.

Usually that is you. You are the expert on your business, so it’s usually best if it comes from you. If you need help, we can recommend copywriters who can help clean up or write original content for you at an additional cost.

Hosting is super important! When it comes to hosting, you get what you pay for. We’ve developed a list of our absolute favorite hosts to help you find the right host at the right price. Check out our list.

We are only an email away! We’re here to help you as much or as little as you need, and we won’t disappear once the site is launched. We’ve been doing this for many years, so we aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

We can work on it depending on your requirements. We would recommend developing a website with a few pages as it would help in optimizing your website with SEO in future and for single page websites, it is quite daunting to add more content in future.

Yes, we offer an SEO basic setup package where we include items like setting up metadata, tracking and analytics setup. Clients can also quote for other SEO services on a monthly basis for further optimization. It’s important to work on the SEO of a website as it significantly brings in more traffic and conversions to your website. Yes, we do optimize your website for SEO as it is one of the crucial steps that will increase the possibility of getting many leads.

There are a lot of platforms in the market that help in building a creative and professionally designed website, but nearly half of the websites on the internet are built on WordPress. We are experts in building websites on the following platforms, WordPress, Magento, Laravel, Joomla and CodeIgniter. Depending on your requirements, we would suggest the best suitable platform.

Of course, you shouldn’t compromise on this. It is essential to update your website with HTTPs instead of HTTP as HTTPs is considered to solve data protection issues. Your data will be protected by encrypting it with an SSL certificate. Websites that handle eCommerce, banking transactions, user data should mandatorily be updated to HTTPs in order to protect user data from getting hacked. If your website is not configured with a valid SSL certificate the browser detects it as an error and displays the message ”connection is not secure”.

Don’t make assumptions. The site may break down due to reasons like temporary problems, problems in web hosting, etc. Your site may have been hacked or might be due to a technical error that needs to be fixed. We help analyze the problem that occurred and deliver solutions based on it.

DNS – Domain Name System. It connects your domain name and web host IP address to make your website live

    Hosting – Hosting is the location of all your website files. The hosting provider allocates space for your files on a server

    FTP – File Transfer Protocol is the method of accessing and transferring files between computers. FTP offers secure and encrypted transfers by preventing your files from unauthorized access

    CMS – CMS is the platform where your website is built. CMS helps in managing your website content and also allows you to add users to your website with their respective access levels.

Yes, of course, we can handle maintenance for a live website. We think it’s really a good idea where your website can be updated frequently. The ongoing maintenance can help in better productivity, improve security and reduce the risk of failures.

That sounds great. If you already have one and that suits your business, we can very well proceed with it.

Oops! I hope such situations don’t occur. We ensure to report and get your feedback at every stage of development we complete. Our practice is to update the client with a weekly report on what has been completed and continue to work as per their suggestions.

Ya sure, through an in-detailed discussion we can help you to track your requirements.

We handle startups, NPOs, medium and small size companies. We keenly understand our client’s requirements, plan, organize and work striving to deliver great results.

Yes, sure. We practice getting the design confirmed by our clients. This would help us to make the required changes before getting into the development process.

We have designed service websites for industries like travel, hospitality, healthcare, real estate, e-learning, NGO, and have also designed eCommerce websites.

Yes, we can help you in designing your logo that suits your business as we have expert designers working for us. We ensure your logo to be unique, creative and attractive.

A well-designed website will increase user experience, which is very essential to get more conversions. When you build your website with a well-structured design, your customers and visitors would feel aesthetically pleasing about the website and would drag in more and more potential customers. The very first step for your success is to make your visitors and customers appealing, and that is possible only by delivering a well-designed website.

Yes, you have the option to choose it, and it would also help us in customizing by understanding your expectations

No, we do everything for you. Inflatus Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a one stop shop for all your web requirements. However if you have already purchased it we will deduct appropriate amount for the domain name or Web Hosting form our charges.

ABSOLUTELY! That’s one of the major benefits of the program. You will own your site and we will just be managers for you. If you feel that any of your queries is unanswered, then please feel free to write to us. We will be glad to reply you back.

A web page is static when it can do one way interaction, for example, a typical web page comprising of text & pictures. You can only read / copy it but you can not interact with it. A web page is dynamic when it can do two way interaction i.e. make decisions based upon user input. An example is a typical web page page comprising of text, pictures and a form. You can not only read / copy it but also can interact with it.

In the majority of cases, a meeting isn’t necessary and most of our websites are generally completed with contact via email and telephone only. We place suggested website designs onto the Internet in a private place where only yourselves and we can view the content. We then liaise with you regularly to discuss the web designs in order that the website design and functionality are exactly as you wish.

No web hosting service can guarantees 100% uptime. However we can say that our servers have had 100% up time for many years. Should our servers have any problems we do have the necessary backups in place to deal with this issue very speedily.

Yes you can have email and you will probably wish you set-up several email addressed e.g. sale@your-domain.com, info@your-domain.com, john.smith@your-domain.com

If you do not like the design which we have suggested for you, we will discuss further with a view to ascertaining what type of design you would like to see and then place another ‘suggested design’ in your web area for you to view. We would not like to think that you are not happy with the final website design. Our aim is to design for you a website specific to your requirements which you are completely happy with.

You are right. The market does have free templates for website design but, you might not have the full freedom to tweak it as per your requirement and moreover using a pre-built template for a website will not help you to stand out from the crowd. We can build your website with unique designs tailoring your needs with some creativity and professionalism added to it.

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