
Hybrid Events

Hybrid reimagines events for the better

Hybrid Events

Create, Connect and Communicate with Hybrid Events

One of the most powerful methods and instruments for organising any sizable event is the hybrid event. In order to develop relationships with sponsors, attendees, organisers, presenters, and exhibitors situated anywhere in the globe, hybrid events are presented on an interactive and engaging hybrid event platform. Future of the event business will undoubtedly be hybrid events. Due to the global coronavirus epidemic, hybrid events have become more and more popular as a way to get over geographical restrictions and constrained space availability, which can often lead to losing out on the most crucial attendance.

The greatest aspects of both types of events—virtual and physical—are combined in hybrid events. Hybrid events are ones that are organised in a real place but also have a virtual component to them, allowing registrants to attend both physically and digitally from any location. Using live audio and video chats, Q&A sessions, live polls, surveys, and other tools, the hybrid event platform encourages open dialogue between participants, presenters, and planners.

Because there are many different types of hybrid events, consumers are increasingly turning to online platforms that provide all-inclusive hybrid event services. Reduced carbon footprints, travel and lodging expenses, and improved reach all lead to higher participation, attendance, and engagements, which is advantageous to both participants and organisers. The future of the event management business is the hybrid event format, which is flexible and has the potential to provide better revenues with a higher ROI.

Advantage of Hybrid Events have over Conventional physical events?

1. The hybrid event increases awareness for your event

The enormous reach of hybrid events is one of their major benefits. It provides your company with the crucial exposure. Events held on a virtual hybrid event platform are accessible to a larger worldwide audience. It engages viewers who have never taken part in a physical event. The number of people attending the event likewise rises as the reach expands. It implies that hybrid events see a rise in attendance and involvement coupled with a larger reach and improved brand exposure.

2. Effortlessly engages the audience

Hybrid events provide a plethora of opportunities to increase participant participation. A virtual event platform that can provide complete hybrid event solutions and engaging elements like real-time polls, surveys, quizzes, and competitions keeps participants interested and provides them with useful and enjoyable event experiences.

3. Spend less on assets

With hybrid events, the cost of renting a place with a greater capacity, as well as the price of travel, lodging, and all other essential expenses related to staging a physical event, are greatly decreased. Attendees who live far away can virtually attend the event without purchasing airline tickets or bringing a suitcase since hybrid events divide the attendees into two groups. With hybrid events, however, there is no longer a problem with space because attendees are already divided into two groups, and virtual event platforms can accommodate as many attendees as possible.

4. Better sponsorship options are provided by hybrid events

Industry sponsors are more eager to take part in hybrid events than they are in traditional physical events since they have a wider audience reach and the ability to reach audiences worldwide. Sponsors of hybrid events have the chance to display their excellent products to a larger audience, providing their company the much-needed publicity. By setting up virtual booths and facilitating direct interactions with virtual booth representatives through live audio and video chats, Q&A sessions, and other features, the virtual event platform enables organisers to set up virtual events.

5. Keep track of important data and provide analyses.

Only the registrations or the report of the attendee’s presence at the event may be used to measure the data with physical events. From the time an attendee registers to the time the event concludes, the hybrid events platform keeps track of their whole digital footprint. Every action is recorded in the database, which aids in calculating the precise ROI and improving the experiences of next events. This includes what they did, where they went, who they engaged with, what they shared, downloaded, and liked. The thorough analysis report gives organisers the tools they need to develop a follow-up plan and assess the event’s performance measures.

6. A higher ROI

The number of attendees at hybrid events is not constrained by space or geographic restrictions because they are expandable and have no such restrictions. However, hybrid events provide more quality leads, more money, and a higher ROI.

10 Reasons Why the Future of Events Is Hybrid

Incredible Benefits of Hybrid Events

Communicate, Network and Work Together

Your event may start out on a single hybrid event platform! A perfect fusion of physical events and hybrid events, hybrid events are a new type of event. Remote participants can participate in a physical event that is currently taking place using a hybrid event platform. Your hybrid events may be taken to the next level with the hybrid event platform from Inflatus Technologies. You can benefit from Feature-rich design, tracking using robust data, flexibility, straightforward access management, digitized footprints.

Discussion Tables

A strong feature is the ability for 1:1 and group communication provided by networking tables. In essence, these are networking events that take place around circular tables with a maximum of eight persons per table. You have the choice of selecting a seat at the table and carrying on your talks there, just as in the chat rooms, during the event.

Interactive Banners

With the aid of dynamic banners, the host is given the freedom to highlight several brands on one banner, with the option of hyperlinking those banners to the respective brands’ exhibition booths, websites, external pages, etc. – making it easier for attendees to get in touch with a particular brand while also giving each brand its own spotlight.

Common Microsite

The potential of your hybrid event platform is increased by Inflatus Technologies’ integration of all the essential details. For your upcoming hybrid launches, we provide a basic microsite. This boosts your event’s impact on both hybrid and physical guests and offers an effective professional viewpoint.

Download of Document

All guests can use this capability to efficiently download all the materials supplied in your hybrid event. You may get to it by simply selecting the download option on your screen.

Easy to Navigate

Individuals can effortlessly traverse the event thanks to our hybrid event platform. Thanks to simple navigation, hybrid attendees may now choose between several places with the utmost convenience.

Scheduler for B2B Meetings

To ensure that no chance for networking is lost, we offer a two-way meeting planner. It functions in both directions, from exhibitor to attendee. Even prior to the start of the virtual event or in the near future, a meeting can be scheduled.


The host of the hybrid event may push all of the alerts thanks to Inflatus Technologies. This makes it easier for the presenter to address the audience and advise them of any schedule changes, delays, speaker updates, and other pertinent information.

Networking Effortlessly

All attendees may communicate with the presenters and participants who are physically present at the hybrid event venue through live chat, audio/video calls, and the business card exchange.

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