

Lets Make your Website

Our Website Redesign Service will boost revenue, lower bounce rates and improve user experience (UX).

What is Website Redesign?

Website redesign is a process of website enhancement to improve user experience to consequently engage more with target customers thanks to decreased friction. A typical redesign project can make changes in the most visible parts of the UI, like visual elements and the color schemes, in more functional parts like usability and accessibility, or both. The design phase for a redesign project from scratch can take 30-90 days and more, depending on the project.

A website redesign is a high-level overhaul that involves significantly changing elements like the code, content, structure, and visuals of your current website to better serve your visitors. A great website redesign tends to boost revenue, lower bounce rates, and improve user experience (UX).

Why you need to ReDesign your website?

There is solid evidence that suggests a website redesign can increase your business value. From adding value to your marketing efforts to improving your online presence by increasing search engine rankings and more, a redesign project promises a lot. But there are three main reasons why you might need a redesign for your website.

1. Reparation

Some reasons why you might want to redesign your website for reparation could be outdated content or interface, not enough responsive design of website pages or elements, and most importantly, the website being too slow.

Keep in mind that more than half of your web visitors will leave your website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.

Similarly, 81% of users get a bad opinion of a business if its website isn’t updated or features outdated design.

2. Optimization

You might need a website redesign if you think you can use a better user journey or if you want better search engine rankings and more online presence.

 Along with a good SEO strategy and the contributions of a content marketing team, an optimization-focused redesign process can work miracles in reaching target customers and even sales.

3. Rebranding

Think your website needs a makeover after some changes to your market strategy, company culture, or simply the colour palette change of your brand logo? Then you might need to start a rebranding-oriented redesign process.

Such a redesign strategy isn’t rare either; Instagram, YouTube, and many other big companies are among rebranding redesigners.

There can always be a different reason behind your redesign decisions; what matters the most is that you know

10 Ways to Ensure the Success of Your Website Redesign

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Website ReDesign vs Website Refresh

First of all, a quick bit of semantics to make sure you’re in the right place. Whether what you’re doing counts as a redesign or refresh depends on how many changes you’re making during the process, and how far-reaching they are:

  • A redesign usually implies that the code and visual appearance of a website change significantly. For example, a new visual identity and branding are rolled out, pages are restructured UX-wise to incorporate new modules and functionality, the information architecture gets updated, a new CMS (content management system) is introduced—and this all goes live around the same time.
  • A refresh takes place when the core structure and functionality of the website remain largely untouched and minor changes are applied. For example, the look & feel of the site gets updated with a new color palette and typography, or small UX tweaks are added to individual page templates.

Website ReDesign & Development FAQs.

Website redesign is a process of website enhancement to improve user experience to consequently engage more with target customers thanks to decreased friction. A typical redesign project can make changes in the most visible parts of the UI, like visual elements and the color schemes, in more functional parts like usability and accessibility, or both. The design phase for a redesign project from scratch can take 30-90 days and more, depending on the project.

A website redesign is a high-level overhaul that involves significantly changing elements like the code, content, structure, and visuals of your current website to better serve your visitors. A great website redesign tends to boost revenue, lower bounce rates, and improve user experience (UX).

First of all, a quick bit of semantics to make sure you’re in the right place. Whether what you’re doing counts as a redesign or refresh depends on how many changes you’re making during the process, and how far-reaching they are:

    A redesign usually implies that the code and visual appearance of a website change significantly.

    For example, a new visual identity and branding are rolled out, pages are restructured UX-wise to incorporate new modules and functionality, the information architecture gets updated, a new CMS (content management system) is introduced—and this all goes live around the same time.

    A refresh takes place when the core structure and functionality of the website remain largely untouched and minor changes are applied. For example, the look & feel of the site gets updated with a new color palette and typography, or small UX tweaks are added to individual page templates.

Redesigning an existing website is a common occurrence. While many companies prefer to work with an agency for their website redesign projects, many others go in-house. The key is to plan the roadmap properly and stick to it.

While the specific steps to the website redesign process vary for each company and project, a typical website redesign goes through the current website analysis, ideation, early prototyping, reviewing, development, testing, and finally the launch.

Though the specific pricing for a website redesign project depends on the size of the website, the modifications needed, and many other factors, a small project could cost as little as $1000 while a bigger one can cost as much as $100.000 or more.

Yes, a website redesign can impact your site’s search engine ranking. How much it impacts your ranking depends on how well you execute the redesign and how well your website currently performs in terms of SEO.

Website migration is when you move your website to a new domain, whether you are moving from “example.com” to “new-domain.com” or from “example.net” to ”new-domain.net.” Website redesign is when the structure of your website changes, but it remains on the same domain (e.g., all URLs currently point to ”example.com.”)

One major impact is you may lose your current rankings if you do not take steps to preserve them. Additionally, 301 redirects need to be set up properly to ensure any link equity (the value of links pointing to your website) is passed along to the new URLs. If these steps are not taken, you could experience a significant loss in traffic and organic search results.

The best way to change your website without losing rank is by paying attention to your site structure and making sure all of your redirects are in place. As well, stopping and starting search engines from crawling your site during the website redesign phase can ensure your rankings stay the same.

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